Our Homeowner association division works closely with the Board of Directors to make sure the building is being maintained properly, that the association is operating in a legal manner and that the interest of the association is being protected from exposure. Some of the services that we provide as part of our full service management program are as follows:
- Implementation of the lawful decisions of the Board.
- Oversee upkeep, maintenance, and management of the common areas and the equipment of the building.
- Receive maintenance requests and/or complaints, concerning the associations common areas, and communicate them to appropriate contractor(s) and vendor(s) for correction, repairs and maintenance.
- Provide a 24 hours per day, 7 days per week call center to dispatch help in the event of building emergencies.
- Provide regular inspections of the association common areas and facilities.
- Obtain bids for hiring, supervising, and discharging a third party subcontractor.
- Hire, monitor and discharge the association’s employees.
- Serve as official keeper of records of the association and to maintain those records throughout management term.
- Communicate with homeowners regarding building notices, violations of governing documents, fulfilling the requirements of a refinance or sale, architectural and maintenance matters.
- Act as advisor to the Board to ensure that the association is operating in a legally compliant manner in keeping with the governing documents, California Corporations Code and the ever changing Davis Sterling Common Interest Development Act.
- Attend quarterly meetings of the Board of Directors.
- Assist the Board in preparation for the annual general membership meeting.
- Collect assessments from the homeowners and maintain the operating funds of the association and all records pertaining to those funds.
- Provide monthly financial statements of the association income & expenses.
- Prepare the annual budget proforma for review and approval of the Board.
- Work with the reserve study company in preparation of the study every 3 years as well as the annual disclosure statement.
- Work with the insurance broker for the association to help find just the right coverage for your association.
- Work with you accountant for preparation of your income taxes and forms 1099.
- Maintain Statement of Information and Statement of Common Interest Development with the State of California.
The services that we provide take most of the day to day operating duties off the hands of the volunteer members of the Board so they have time to devote to the other aspects of their lives outside the of the homeowners association.